Importing my database from Mendeley: keeping citation keys
I wonder if when importing from Mendeley to Zotero citation keys remain identical. This is crucial for opening old and current papers in word and rebuild the bibliography list. Thanks.
If you mean the latter, Zotero doesn't currently have a Citation Key field (except for the new Preprint item type). Unknown fields from Mendeley should be added to the Extra field.
The Better BibTeX plugin can be used for now to manage citation keys, until Zotero gains a proper Citation Key field (after which it will be possible to migrate "Citation Key: [key]" values in Extra to the proper field). I'm not sure if BBT automatically uses a "Citation Key: [key]" line in Extra, but it might.
The first row is "citation key". It is usually "nameofauthorYEAR", a unique key to identify a reference. I have BetterBibtex installed as an extension, so I am not sure if this field comes from that extension. I just want to make sure the citation keys are preserved from Mendeley.
So I should see the citation key in that Extra field if I uninstalled BetterBibtex?
@dstillman: there is a field
on the Mendeley API so if that could be stuffed inextra
asCitation Key: [citation_key]
the rest should just work both for BBT and integrations like overleaf. It's not something BBT can do as by the time BBT can do anything, the key will have been lost already. Unless by you mean that the value ends up in theextra
field, just not withCitation Key:
. That is something BBT could address.
edit: and since it looks like there isn't a mendeley item type that maps to preprint in Zotero, it seems to me this value would always go the lost-or-extra route.
title = {From Cognitivism to Autopoiesis: Towards a Computational Framework for the Embodied Mind},
author = {Allen, Micah and Friston, Karl J},
year = {2016},
journal = {Synthese},
publisher = {{Springer Netherlands}},
issn = {0039-7857},
doi = {10.1007/s11229-016-1288-5},
abstract = {...},
keywords = {★,Active inference,Computationalism,Connectionism,Embodied cognition,Enactivism,Interoception,Predictive processing}
Here "Allen2016" is the citationKey.
It should have a field of its own, not just be lumped into "Extra", in my opinion.
(Also, Zotero isn't a BibTeX manager, so no, this is absolutely not "essential for anybody working with references and citations". Please avoid statements like that here.)