Formatting Notes in Zotero Ap: More like what's in Web UI?

I am really liking the notes functionality - thanks for all the work that's gone into that. Especially to be able to write while reading, and to drag in quotes!

One wish I have is for additional formatting options in the Windows Zotero ap. I see that there are more settings if I am working on the Web. Any chance of providing that formatting functionality in the AP?
In particular, I would like the Indent/Outdent, Alignment options, and additional heading levels.
I also really like the two levels of formatting options at the top of the note, in the web version.

Thanks in advance.
  • The web version of the note editor is the old version. The web version will be replaced by the Desktop version, which is significantly more powerful and allows much of what is possible in the current Notes in particular with respect to PDF annotations - so no to the general request.

    Specifically about the things you're asking:

    - Indent outdent you can do with tab/shift+tab
    - If you do need Headings beyond H1-H3, you can use Markdown syntax (which is generally supported, i.e. #### Heading 4, ##### Heading 5, etc.

    No option for alignment though.
  • Thanks, Adam, for the quick reply.
    Happy to know about the tab/shift+tab for indents! Very helpful.
    I don't know Markdown (yet), but will experiment, for headings.
    For me, alignment is far less crucial.

    I understand about the move to new editors.
    If there is a way to provide an expanded view of the formatting controls, I would find that helpful. I do know about the keyboard shortcuts for the main ones (B,I,U). But touching a button is still sometimes easier, and it helpful to be able to have a visual indicator of what is already "on."

  • Hi,
    I discover just now that I can enter attached notes using some markdown *on the fly*.

    I am a great markdown user (thousands markdown notes on many topics shared between my computer and my phone. I have written a little style to insert citations and bibliography in markdown into my notes).

    But it seems that I can't paste markdown in the note and have a good result...
  • No option for alignment though.
    Alignment options are in the context menu.
  • Oh nice! Sorry, I missed that you added those, too.
  • Thanks for that, Martynas_b!
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