Import Annotations not working / Embedded annotations not showing on iPad


The embedded annotations from Highlights app do no show in the zotero iPad reader (only the ones made in zotero).

Those annotations do, however, show on the desktop reader.

My assumption was that I could just import annotations on the desktop reader and that would solve the problem. However, import annotations function does not work.

I have selected file/import annotations and then confirmed multiple times and it has done nothing to the external annotations. They remain locked and invisible to my iPad reader.

Using Zotero 6.0.13
Annotations originally made in Highlights app

Thank you.
  • Did the lock icon disappear on the desktop?

    After importing, have you synced the desktop app followed by the iOS app?
  • The lock did not disappear. There was no change to any of the annotations on desktop after selecting to import annotations.

    I have done the sync thing. Yes.

    when I removed all the desktop announcements I made in zotero (so that only the external annots saved to the pdf we present) then I could all of a sudden see all of the annotations in the iPad app. Which I could then add annots on the iPad app and it not loose the external ones. Very strange.

    The import annotations function is still no longer working, though.
  • Can you email a PDF that demonstrates this problem to with a link to this thread?
  • yes. will do now.
  • We didn't receive an email from you.
  • Same here. Import annotations is not working.
    Is there a way to deal with this problem?
  • @vinispira: If you're talking about importing from the Highlights app, we'd need an example PDF, as I say above. If you're talking about something else, please start a new thread and provide more information.
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