Moving/copying several subcollections at once to another location?

edited September 4, 2022
I have a collection A with several subcollections Bx, some of them have again several subcollections Cx. I want to move a group of C-level subcollections of a single collection level B, up one level so the C-level collections become B-level collections. Up to now I have only found the way to copy one collection at a time up to a place which is far away, thereafter go back and delete it from the previous location. Is there any way to choose several subcollections at a time and move/copy them to another place?
  • Not sure why you're saying it copies and you have to go back and delete. Dragging a collection within the same library moves it.

    But there's no way to select multiple collections at a time, no.
  • edited September 5, 2022
    Ok, I noticed that dragging worked, too. Copying and deleting is not necessary.

    BTW I have simplified and accelerated the process of moving C-level collections by renaming the B-level Collection from BX to 1BX so it appears alphabetically as the first subcollection immedately under Collection A, where I want to move the subcollection Cx.. So I didn`t have to scroll down and up at all when moving the single collections.
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