
  • The data that is imported from the ISBN depends on what the publisher has registered with one of the major ISBN registries. It seems that these recent ISBNs you imported are registered with pinyin data. You might find Chinese character data from another source, such as the publisher website.
  • edited January 8, 2022
    That means you suggested all chinese information need to be re-typed by myself or copied from another related website. Have any another suggestion?
  • @bwiernik I think you are guess the wrong reason for this behavior. The same ISBN work perfect (show correct Traditional Chinese) before, but now will show pinyin info/data only. There is no reason for whole database modify data from Traditional Chinese to pinyin. I thinks this is some configurable option not set correctly.
  • Currently version 6.0.13 on mac the issue seems is gone. But have any idea full update old imported records to Traditional Chines?
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