LexisNexis Academic Translator

edited August 24, 2022
I'm new to Zotero and I try to get newspaper articles into my Zotero for Windows.

If I click on the browser add-in button it creates a new record as webpage snapshot. I expected to get a record of the type 'Newspaper Article'.

I have tried the add-ins for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge with no success.

Is there a way to automatically get the entire data: Title, Author, Publication, Publication Date, Section, Pages and if possible the content of the article as note?

Many thanks in advance

Here is an example link: https://advance.lexis.com/document/?pdmfid=1516831&crid=23479e5b-263c-4fef-a81c-5b44e638ecb4&pddocfullpath=/shared/document/news/urn:contentItem:48KC-4K20-0150-V1K8-00000-00&pdcontentcomponentid=259070&pdteaserkey=sr19&pditab=allpods&ecomp=rz2yk&earg=sr19&prid=ff49d7d4-106a-42d0-95d9-a1a7fc7f3188&cbc=0
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