Manually select word to lookup
Now on a Mac, I can only lookup a word by force touching. But sometimes it doesn't work, nothing pops up. I think that selecting a word or several word and then lookup in the right-click context is useful, just like the iOS app.
And when a sentence is highlighted, neither can I force touch on the words, nor can I select the words. I think that it should be considered how to address.
And when a sentence is highlighted, neither can I force touch on the words, nor can I select the words. I think that it should be considered how to address.
Simon.HoeferlinAgree, lookup should also be added as menu item in the right-click context. Did not find it there and forgot about force touch. Also keep in mind that force touch is not available on all input devices (older MacBooks or an external mouse).
aliceatngAgree, unfortunately look up is still not available in the menu item when right-click. Thank you for mention force touch, this can be a workaround to me.