Question about making "divisions" in a bibliography


Just wondering if this is possible.

I'm looking to further enforce divisions beyond what my bibliography does when it generates it. So instead of lets say having all of the cases be listed together which it currently does, i was hoping to be able to subdivide them by country when it generates the bibliography. Is this possible? The same would go for legislation.
  • edited August 8, 2022
    You can create fairly complex sorting rules simply by adding additional sort keys, yes. Without having the exact rules you want it's hard to give you specific code, but you could just add a <key variable="authority"</key> as a second sort condition, or you could put that into a macro and make it more complex.
  • Not possible. Sorting by type is possible, but any further edits like you want need to be done manually.
  • (We may have understood the Q differently: It is possible to add more complex sorting rules. It is not possible to actually create divisions/headers/lines etc. in the bibliography.)
  • How would i go about "Sorting by Country"? Is this possible?

    any time i add a source to zotero in the paper i basically have to do it all over again because any divisions i make aren't maintained
  • Could you say more about what you mean "by Country" -- I think the only item type with a "Country" field in Zotero is Patent (and that's not available in citation styles). What exactly are you trying to do?
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