Zotero in Google Docs very slow

edited July 16, 2022
I am working on a collaborative document in Google Docs, and every step with Zotero is very, very slow. It takes several minutes to add, edit, or do anything to a single citation. Any suggestions? It's like this for every citation, not just specific ones.
  • edited July 16, 2022
    If you haven't disabled "Automatically update citations" in the plugin's Document Preferences window, that would be the first thing to try.

    If it's still slow, you can try enabling Google Docs API v2 in the Advanced pane of the Zotero Connector preferences (right-click on toolbar button to access). We're working with Google to fix an occasional error that occurs when using that, so it's not yet the default, but it should be dramatically faster.
  • That seems to have helped, thank you. Now it takes less than a minute instead of several minutes for it to update.

    I have tried to enable v2 but it's grayed out. Here's what it looks like:

    I'm also looking for some help with another problem - let me know if I need to start a separate thread for it. There are a few names in my Zotero database that have punctuation or diacritical marks that turn into code in my doc. For example, the name O'Toole comes out as O\uc0\u8217{}Toole and Papoušek comes out as Papou\uc0\u353{}ek. I don't have this problem with other names with an apostrophe or accent mark. How can I fix it?
  • If you uncheck "Enable Google Docs Integration" and enable it again, can you enable the v2 option?

    Yes, please start a new thread of the other thing.
  • Yes, that worked! Hopefully that will speed things up moving forward. Thanks for the help.
  • Actually, that did not help - now I get this error:

    500: Google Docs request failed.

    "error": {
    "code": 500,
    "message": "Internal error encountered.",
    "status": "INTERNAL"

  • Oh, right, I forgot this was also you:


    So yes, we'd like a sample document that triggers that error with v2 so that we can report it to Google. The one you sent previously didn't seem to do so.
  • Yes, that was me. Do you need the complete document or do I need to do the "deleting half at a time" procedure again?
  • edited July 17, 2022
    We can take the whole document (after using File → "Make a copy") if you don't mind sharing it with Zotero staff, but you can also cut it down and make another copy to clear the version history if you only want to share an excerpt. Just make sure that you can reproduce the problem reliably in whatever you send us.

    Either way, we'll cut it down to a minimal test case and remove version history before sharing it with Google.
  • OK, sent! If you're able to help me get rid of this error, I'll be very grateful.
  • Hi. I looked at your error and it seems there are multiple locations in this document that "break" the new google docs API. We have reported this bug to Google and they said they are looking internally to resolve it. We'd like to share this document privately with Google Docs developers with your permission.

    For now the only workaround we can offer is to disable the v2 version of Google Docs integration in the Zotero Connector preferences.
  • You're welcome to share it with the Google Docs developers if it means a chance at fixing the problems.

    I have disabled v2 and that got rid of that particular error.
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