anonymous works with known authors

I want to cite works that were originally published anonymously, but whose authors have subsequently become known. In Chicago, one typically puts the known author's name in square brackets (eg [Newman, John Henry]). Is there any way to do this automatically in Zotero?
  • Enter the brackets into the Author field to accomplish this.
  • But how can we set things up so that all the subsequent *short-title references have *two brackets around the author's last name only:

    [Newman], short-title, p.#

    ...instead of...

    [Newman, John Henry], short-title, p.#
    [John Henry Newman], short-title, p.#

  • In Zotero: [Newman] in the Last Name field, ans John Henry in the First Name field
  • Two problems with this:

    1. The first footnoted citation of Newman's book will read:

    John Henry [Newman], full-title, p#. --- which is incorrect.

    The correct reading is:
    [John Henry Newman], full-title, p#

    2. The bibliography entry will read:

    [Newman], John Henry, full-title, p#. --- also incorrect.

    The correct reading is:
    [Newman, John Henry], full-title, p#.

    Any other solutions?
  • I don't think we can do this -- it's the level of detail that's in some of the Chicago rules that I just don't see how we'd reasonably automate.
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