Zotero citation style
Hi there,
I'm getting this result:
AUHTOR, Title of the articleTitle of the blog [....]
instead of:
AUHTOR, Title of the article. Title of the blog [....]
for blog post itens.
How can I edit this style to have a dot and a space between the title of the article and the blog's name, eg ". ", and only the blog's name in bold?
thank you all
I'm getting this result:
AUHTOR, Title of the articleTitle of the blog [....]
instead of:
AUHTOR, Title of the article. Title of the blog [....]
for blog post itens.
How can I edit this style to have a dot and a space between the title of the article and the blog's name, eg ". ", and only the blog's name in bold?
thank you all
I've submitted a fix for the style on our repo, so you can just reproduce the fix you see here: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/pull/6138/files
(adamsmith+bwiernik, please double check I'm not breaking anything with this PR)
I couldn't change blog post title to a regular font...
O’MEARA, D. J. The Justinianic Dialogue On Political Science and its Neoplatonic Sources. Em: IERODIAKONOU, K. (Ed.). . Byzantine Philosophy and Its Ancient Sources. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002
look at "(Ed.). . ", where it should be " (Ed.). "
and only the blog title should be bold, the post tile regular font