citation style that includes the abstract

Still trying to find the citation record style that will display the abstract. I just tried the American Psychological Association but still not getting the abstract for my bibliography.
  • Let's continue that in your original thread on this: The style I link to there definitely includes the abstract, provided, of course, it's present in Zotero.
  • I've done this several times and haven't seen any abstracts.

    I right click on my list of citations, choose the American Psychological Association style, then look at my bibliography -- no abstracts.
  • You have the standard APA style in your list. That does NOT include the abstract. You need to first install the APA-abstract style that you were linked to.
  • Thanks. How do I install the APA-abstract style?
  • edited July 7, 2022

    Click on that or in Zotero via the preferences you can add additional styles also.
  • OK. I've installed the style several times and still not getting abstracts
  • Do you see it listed in your list of styles?
    When you select a styles, you should be seeing

    American Psychological Association 7th edition
    American Psychological Association 7th edition (with abstract)

    You obviously want the latter. Also, do make sure that the item you're citing has an abstract in the right-hand pane (and please do provide a bit more detail. This definitely works in general, so if it doesn't work for you, we need to understand what exactly you're doing -- one-line responses mainly leave us to guess).
  • Please. I've installed this style several times and do not get abstracts

    American Psychological Association 7th edition (with abstract)(2022-01-31 14:43:56)
  • See above. The style definitely prints abstracts, so you're either doing something wrong or misunderstanding something, and the only way for us to help you is if you provide more detail on what exactly you're doing; we can't just guess.
  • edited July 7, 2022
    Installing is the first step. Good.

    Please check and confirm our previous questions:
    1. Did you select the style in your document under "Document preferences"?
    2. Does your item type include an abstract in the metadata?

    See: apa-abstract
  • OK. I now am seeing abstracts! Thank you for your help.

    Now I'd like to also see the author affiliations in the record. Is that possible?
  • Again, is it possible to see the author affiliations in a record?
  • No, Zotero doesn't collect those
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