Zotero 6 on linux

Some time ago I installed zotero 6 on linux Ubuntu 20.04 following the instructions provided here:


The version is: 6.0.4

I have two problems:
1st) I cannot read the titles of the tabs: text is dark on dark. I cannot find a setting to modify that. Is there any way to change the font color?

2nd) I would like to install a plugin (ZotFile). Instructions
say to use the menu Tools->Add Ons

My Tools menu has only one item: "Developer".

What's wrong with my installation?
  • First, upgrade to the current version, 6.0.9. That will fix (2) — you're just in a PDF tab, and in earlier versions Tools → Add-ons was only displayed in the main library tab.

    I believe there are still some bugs with dark themes on Linux. (We don't officially support any sort of dark mode.)
  • Thank you. I compared the "Tools" menu between my two installations (Windows and Linux) while reading the same pdf and found two different sets of items. I am now upgrading the linux installation.
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