Can I use updated google scholar citations when I Export Collection or Library in format Biblatex?

edited July 6, 2022
I found that the exported Biblatex for one paper in my library is different from the BibTeX I searched in google scholar manually, and the one from google scholar is better.

I know that the Biblatex is generated based on the local metadata retrieved from many sources (not sure if google scholar is being considered).

So I want to know if I prefer to use the Bibtex from google scholar citations, is it possible to use that to generate the Exported Bibtex/Biblatex?
  • That wouldn't have anything to do with BibTeX or Google Scholar (which usually has poor/incomplete metadata anyway). It's just about the metadata in Zotero.

    An upcoming version will let you update the metadata from the original publisher or central metadata sources. For now, your best option is to re-add the item via DOI/etc. via Add Item by Identifier, select both items, and do right-click → Merge Items, keeping the newer metadata.
  • edited July 6, 2022
    Thank you so much. Glad to hear that.

    @dstillman I have another question about the source of metadata. Is it retrieved from the website (pdf page of arxiv for some paper) when I click the extension of chrome? or from somewhere else based on the title of the paper on that pdf page?
  • edited July 6, 2022
    Generally the former (the article page, not the PDF), but it depends on the site. For sites where there's no accessible metadata we might find an identifier and resolve it using another metadata service. More commonly we use a metadata service provided by the site itself (rather than just scraping the content on the page).
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