Synchronisation à partir de repertoires en Cloud

Est il possible de faire une synchronisation entre deux PC ss Windows ayant les memes droits sur un Cloud. La bibliotheque est realisée à partir de fichiers pdf. Meme apres la fusion des doublons sur les fichiers pdf, il est impossible de les ouvrir par les liens ss Zotero.
Auriez vous deja vu et solutionné ceci ?
  • edited June 23, 2022
    Are you asking about Zotero syncing or something else?

    If you're having trouble syncing files via Zotero, see Files Not Syncing.

    For linked files, you're on your own.
  • Hy dstillman
    Thanks for the answer, but I still do not understand.
    I do not want to synchronize my files. I do not want to get a link on zotero website.

    My library is completed, in a cloud directory. This directory is wrote in the "Preferences - Advanced - Files and directory".

    From one PC1 (Windows) it is ok. From the other PC2 (Windows), Zotero still doesn't look and get files in this "Preferences - Advanced - Files and directory".

    PS: note that Zotero is closed on PC 1 when the PC2 runs Zotero.
    Best regards
  • If you're saying you set the linked attachment base directory, as I say, you're on your own.

    If you're saying you set the data directory, you absolutely shouldn't set that to a cloud storage folder, and we won't provide any help for such a configuration.
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