rating articles


I would like that exists the possibility to rate the articles... with stars (/5) like for restaurants or hotels.

This would be very interesting when sharing articles to have this rating.

When some colleagues find an article interesting, then they can put a good mark and this mark will evolve with the contribution of the other readers. This would be useful to identify very interesting articles and this would really give an added value to the "group".

Many thanks in advance.
G. Dezanneau
  • Try using colored tags and setting the name of the tag to be an emoji, like 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣
  • Exactly, I indeed found out by chance that if the colour-assigned tag is a symbol (e.g. ★, ★★, ★★★ ...), then when assigning that tag, on the left-most of the paper name, instead of the colored square, the symbol itself appears.
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