Issues w/ Chicago Notes Biblio 17th Ed Style re: author first names in Notes & no brackets in Biblio

I'm working on a paper in the Chicago Manual of Styles Notes Bibliography 17th Edition system. I have received feedback from an editing team that there are errors in the format, and I see that they would like to have full first names of authors in the Notes section (as well as the Biblio which I've addressed) and not have brackets or parentheses around dates in the Bibliography, though I'm not sure what this would be in reference to.

Is anyone aware of 1) settings I can change to include author first names in the Notes section and 2) what the brackets/parentheses issue is for the Biblio section and how I can adjust that as well? Thanks in advance.
  • Which style exactly(!) do you have set under Document Preferences?
  • Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (note, with ibid.) & with Display Citations set to Endnotes to generate the Notes then Bibliography sections required.
  • Is this for a specific journal?
    The Chicago Manual uses only authors' last names in its short notes (that section 14.32 of the Manual, for reference), so the style is correct for Chicago Manual as is. You can use full notes, but those will include other information, of course.

    For the dates -- the full publication date of articles is given in parentheses in the bibliography. That follows section 14.171 of the Manual. You'd have to inquire what they want instead.
  • edited May 27, 2022
    Hi Adam. This is for an AMPS conference publication.

    I think what they're wanting is full notes with the biblio after. We were told "Notes and Bibliography need to follow the Chicago manual of styles Notes Bibliography 17th
    edition exactly." And we were given this link as a reference, though it includes both short and full notes here:

    The specific comments that were provided (in addition to an example document) included longer notes, author full names, and fewer dates in parentheses for the Biblio as mentioned above.

    Is there a Zotero setting to create those full notes with author first names and other info?
  • yeah, use one of the Chicago (full note) style instead, that'll take of issue 1 and the longer notes.
    Not sure what to say about the parentheses -- I think they're just wrong there? Maybe they don't want full dates in parentheses but just the year? The data Zotero imports can be overly precise.
  • Ok, I'll try to figure out what's wanted for the year/date issue and will try that full notes style setting now too.

    Thanks for your responsiveness and help in the meantime. I'll see how things go.
  • The full notes style seemed to work. The only changes I needed to do were tweak how the doi appeared in the notes and underline the links. Thank you for your help with this issue. It is now resolved.
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