Lkg to HIRE a Zotero CSL Style coder/editor - freelance

edited April 16, 2022
Hi all,
Apols if this is not proper forum etiquette.

After much toiling and wit-pulling I need to find a competent/reliable coder to edit the CSL for - University for Creative Arts Harvard - Style for me.

It is very straighforward and simple, but this is just not in my skill set.

Get in touch, happy to pay a fair rate.


  • I'd recommend @damnation - he does most of these currently
  • edited 2 days ago
    I've sent you an email.
    Thanks also to adamsmith. :)

    For other people finding this thread, you can find and contact me via
  • Hi Martin,
    I am an experienced Zotero consultant and what you are wanting done is well within my area of expertise. I would be glad to help you out on this.
    You can reach me on
    Cheers and Have a great day ahead,
  • @damnation I'm in a similar situation as the original poster, except I'm using CMS 17 (note), and need to hire someone to migrate my citations from Zotero to EndNote without losing data and date formatting. I, too, am happy to pay a fair rate. If you think you can help, please email: Thanks!
  • Great. I've sent an email. :)
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