Is there no CSL variable for Patent's "Country" field?

Hi friends,

I am trying to fetch the text in the "Country" field of "Patent" from Zotero database, using the following in the .csl (the angle brackets which can not show under this web page's settings, are replaced with *)

*text variable="country" /*

but failed, and also tried

*text variable="jurisdiction" /*

also failed.

I searched, and seems there is no variable to match the 'Country' of "Patent" in Zotero database.

Could any expert help please? Which variable in .csl is used to get the text from 'Country' of "Patent" in the Zotero 6.0.4 version in 2022 ?

Thanks a lot!

  • What do you want your citation to look like? Let's start with that?
    If you want to share your code Vis we'll be more able to help as well.
  • Thanks for the reply. I just want to be able to get the text from the "Country" field in Zotero database, doesn't matter how the fomat looks like in Word.
  • Not possible.
    If it's important information you NEED in your citation, you'll have to add it via another field. For example the "Place" field.
  • By the way, I have checked the

    where it shows the 'Zotero field' is "country" for the UI Label "Country", but the following code actually cannot get the text:

    *text variable="country" /*
  • I think if the .csl cannot fetch the text from the "Country" field of 'Patent' in the Zotero database, the Zotero should not show it for users to fill? Any other reasons for the users to use this field?
  • The table I sent you shows which Zotero fields match up with which CSL variable as many times the names don't match.
    And you can see that for "Patent" "Country" has NO matching CSL variable.

    Also, Zotero =/ CSL. They are two different entities. A lot of people use Zotero without any of the CSL citation functionality and for them having a Country field is important. Not showing a field because there is no CSL variable doesn't make sense.
  • The CSL variable you should use in citations is ‘jurisdiction’. You can enter this in Extra like this:

    Jurisdiction: US
  • Thanks, I have tried

    *text variable="jurisdiction" /*

    which does not work.
  • Like I said above, you need to enter the data in Extra. The Country field in Zotero is not mapped to any CSL variable.
  • If I put

    Jurisdiction: US

    in Extra,what is the keyword (variable) for .csl to get the text from Extra?

    And how to take the 'US' out from 'Jurisdiction: US' ?
  • Have a look at this: jurisdiction
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