Saved search for missing attachments


I want to create a saved search for all items whose attachment files are missing, is this possible?

Occasionally I edit the file names of the attachments outside Zotero, causing it to report those files as missing. In the “Attachments” column of the library, items missing attachments are marked with a hollow blue circle (as opposed to a solid one), and this is the only way I found to filter them and manually relocate the files. A saved search would be much appreciated.
  • I don't think you can do this with a saved search, but I believe you can sort by the attachment column and that will distinguish between full and empty circle
  • Ah silly me, I forgot the most obvious and convenient solution. Thank you!
  • Hi - it seems that the function to sort by attachment went away with the most recent upgrade. Does anyone have a workaround?
  • Hi @elizabethg_broden, I can confirm that I have noticed the same, and I didn't find any workarounds either.

    I assume the feature was broken by a bug accidentally instead of being removed deliberately.
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