I am looking for some help in using Zotero for Vatican and other ecclesial documents. I am not sure how which Item type to use. Can anyone help me with this issue?
we don't have many subject specialists showing up here regularly - you'd have to provide details: What are those documents, how do citations of them look etc. We can then hopefully tell you how to achieve that technically.b
This website list a number of the ways they are cited. http://libguides.stthomas.edu/content.php?pid=113131&sid=853174
Also have an extensive PDF of how they should look, but I think the link above will give you a sense of what I am looking for.
these all look like books to me - maybe some are reports, but that shouldn't make a different for these. You just enter them as books a and don't list an author where there isn't one - most styles will then automatically start with the title as in those examples.
Adam, I think this is a good concern. I advise students to use Zotero all the time. I think with the rise in education requirements there is a growing need for students to be able to reference the Vatican Website since Catholic colleges are providing many adult education degrees.
At one time the Vatican site was well suited to Zotero. I am writing a dissertation and in the last year the interface/user friendly nature of zotero and the vatican have de-volved. I no longer see the blue box on the Vatican browser.
Papal documents are subcategorized on the web site. Generally, they could be called "speeches" or "papers" since they are published thereafter.
kind regards and thanks for all you do!
John Corrigan Ph.D. candidate philosophy, University Instructor
It would be nice to build this document type. I am currently using "Thesis" as the "Item Type" type to build the citation. I put the English title in the "Type" field. This seems to produce the right listing under references. You would still need to enter paragraph numbers for in-text citations. Using this method produces a citation that looks like this:
The following citation pulled from my annotations:
“§1. A Catholic University is to promote the pastoral care of all members of the university community, and to be especially attentive to the spiritual development of those who are Catholics. Priority is to be given to those means which will facilitate the integration of human and professional education with religious values in the light of Catholic doctrine, in order to unite intellectual learning with the religious dimension of life.” (Pope John Paul II, 1990, p. 16)
Now, if I can figure out how to get the period placement correct for APA 7 it would be a total win!
What are those documents, how do citations of them look etc.
We can then hopefully tell you how to achieve that technically.b
Also have an extensive PDF of how they should look, but I think the link above will give you a sense of what I am looking for.
At one time the Vatican site was well suited to Zotero. I am writing a dissertation and in the last year the interface/user friendly nature of zotero and the vatican have de-volved. I no longer see the blue box on the Vatican browser.
Papal documents are subcategorized on the web site. Generally, they could be called "speeches" or "papers" since they are published thereafter.
kind regards and thanks for all you do!
John Corrigan Ph.D. candidate philosophy, University Instructor
Pope John Paul II. (1990). Ex corde ecclesiae [Apostolic constitution on Catholic universities]. https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_constitutions/documents/hf_jp-ii_apc_15081990_ex-corde-ecclesiae.html
The following citation pulled from my annotations:
“§1. A Catholic University is to promote the pastoral care of all members of the university community, and to be especially attentive to the spiritual development of those who are Catholics. Priority is to be given to those means which will facilitate the integration of human and professional education with religious values in the light of Catholic doctrine, in order to unite intellectual learning with the religious dimension of life.” (Pope John Paul II, 1990, p. 16)
Now, if I can figure out how to get the period placement correct for APA 7 it would be a total win!