Writing a simple translator
I tried to get started on a translator for BioMed Central today, but found it difficult. Basically I just wanted to run a bit of Javascript to detect the PubMed ID, locate the PDF and then call a Zotero function to fetch all the metadata based on the PMID.
Does anyone have any advice?
Does anyone have any advice?
Then check out this page for info on actually making a translator: http://dev.zotero.org/creating_translators_for_sites?s=scaffold
13:56:02 ===>Translation using CiteSeer failed:
thrown exception => No BibTeX found!
url => http://www.citeulike.org/article/515359
extensions.zotero.cacheTranslatorData => true
extensions.zotero.downloadAssociatedFiles => true<===(string)
thank you very much!!
an endnote link you can retrieve the RIS --
so the link you have can use the RIS retreival to fetch
if you are trying to fetch the BibTex, it might be that
you are encountering an BibTex option page, that is asking for information about
assigning a BibTex key. I don't know how to avoid that page.