httpServer only works on localhost

edited March 24, 2022
This works: http://localhost:23119/connector/ping

But this does not:

I want to know if it is possible to make this service accessible on the internal network. I am attempting to use the same zotero, for different connectors (chromebook and another laptop). The servers run in a linux machine.
  • It only binds to localhost — it's really not designed for anything other than IPC. But you could probably put a reverse proxy in front of it bound to the local network if you really wanted to.
  • thank you very much for the information.

    I was able to set up a reverse proxy on Unbuntu 20.04 by following this tutorial.

    this is what my configuration file looks like:

    server {

    listen 8888;

    server_name _;

    location / {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:23119;

    After this, I went to the advanced configuration of the connector, in "Advanced Configuration", and changed the "connector.url" option to this address: http://INTERNAL-IP:8888. Now I have all the connectors of the different computers working, all of them communicating with a single server!
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