macOS and Zotero Shortcut-Keys


Since YEARS the shortcut-keys won't work on a macOS with Word. So my question is: Do you really use your own software or do you use for yourself an alternative to Zotero? I see this in many software, where bugs over years are not fixed. So my question is always the same: Do they really use their own software?

Come on guys fix this immediately!!!!

I talking about the ctrl-cmd-R, -B, -A etc.

  • I’m not sure exactly what you mean. Zotero doesn’t set any keyboard shortcuts in Word, but you can set your own:

    Or do you mean shortcuts in the Zotero app itself? For what function do you mean?
  • Many thanks for your answer.

    The link helped me. But I was quite sure, this was implemented before.

  • No, Zotero has never set keyboard shortcuts in Word. Those have always been user-set.
  • There actually were shortcuts, but I think only for the script menu items in Word 2011 and earlier. It’s not possible to set default shortcuts these days for the ribbon commands.
  • Many thanks for your answer.

    The link helped me. But I was quite sure, this was implemented before.

    Oh. Now over a half year later I see I had began to answer...

    ... now I want to finish my respond.

    I have another App called Accordance and with this it is still possible in the newest Word 16.42 (Insider fast) to use the shortcut and then the interactive window, like the red entry box in Zotero opens. So I guess this should be possible for Zotero too.

    I would love if you add this short-cuts again. In the short-cut list you can make then editable if there would be a conflict.

  • Helloooo

    There are still not short-cuts for manipulate Zotero in Word.

    And the worst case, even if I do now a short cut like "Add/Edit Citation (Control-Command-A) it doesn't work. It seems because Zotero is only in the tool bar but not in the menu list. With an older Zotero this was possible.

    Please add this ASAP
  • This is a standard Word feature, not a Zotero feature. If it's not working for you, you configured it wrong or there's a Word bug.
  • Thanks for your answer.

    Can you make a suggest which the shortcut should work. And maybe it would be good to add this to the manual.
  • Not sure I understand. bwiernik links to instructions on how to set up shortcuts in Word above. It's not clear you are actt trying those?
  • edited March 23, 2022
    @adamsmith it seems I was first wrong, I thought the shortcut-keys are stored in the Zotero app. @bwiernik told me this it to do in Word. Thats what I have done. But they didn't works as before. With before I mean 2014. If I set a shortcut-key in Word for Mac, then it does nothing. My suggestion ca. 30 min ago was, the problem is because Zotero only is available via the Tool bar and not via the Word Menu bar. You can see if you do a shortcut-key on an item which is in the Menu bar than it is visible there and the shortcut-key is working. AFAIK in the older versions the Zotero was in the menu bar too. Now it isn't anymore.

    On the other hand there are for example which has a widget or so to manipulate the word editors to add their material. And the widget can be manipulate to change the shortcut-keys if necessary.

    Also either Zotero can give me instruction how I do shortcut-keys, or they add Zotero to the Word menu bar (I have to check how it is with LibreOffice and TextMaker), or they made a widget.

    As it is now it is not satisfying, at least because shortcut-key worked before.
  • And dstillman, mentioned there was in Word 2011 script. So it is my remembering too.

    I would love to have such a script again. I really can't understand why this is not there as to Add/Edit Citation, Refresh, (Add/Edit Bibliography and now Add Notes), are the most used actions with Zotero.
  • edited March 23, 2022
    We can only say this so many times. You can set keyboard shortcuts for the Zotero macros in Word. We linked to instructions. It works in general. If it doesn't work for you, that's a problem in your Word installation that you'll need to debug. There is nothing more to say on this.
  • Thanks got it now.
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