Word Mac 2008 Add Citation Error


I get an error message each time I try to add a citation in Word Mac 2008. Furthermore I can't Add Bibliography as it tells me I "need to add a citation before you can perform this action".

The error message is long and doesn't show up under Report Errors (what is there is under this reference - 788439827). The error message that appears when I try to Add Citation is long, starting with "An unexpected error has occurred...." referencing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework yada yada 2.5 yada expatreader.py line 207 lots more yada yada self.currentCitation=self.citationFields[index] yada yada Index is out of Range.

I realise this is only marginally helpful; I have captured the screen but can't post it here.

I am using 2.0b6.4 and installed the latest plugin before posting. I restarted both Word Mac 2008 and Firefox after installing the plugin. This is Leopard, 10.5.8.

It was all working so nicely until I was seduced into upgrading to the latest beta!!

Can anyone help?

  • Can you share the error message you are recieving when you try to add a citation in Word?
  • Hi
    I get the same error. Could somebody help? I cans send the jpeg with the screenshot of this error by mail.
  • This should be fixed in the development version of the plug-in, which should be released any day now.
  • So having downloaded the above linked development version of the plug in, I am now told that the plugin is incompatible with the Firefox plugin. The plugin is 2.0b7.

    Are there compatible versions of both lurking anywhere?

  • Are there compatible versions of both lurking anywhere?
    Yup. On the installation page.
  • Dan,

    Thanks for replying so quickly and I apologise for being a bit thick, but I did follow the instructions on the installation page before posting, with the exception of installing the Python plugin.

    After installing that and restarting everything, I am now told that Firefox can't find the component necessary to communicate with the word processor. The only thing I have installed that isn't linked to from the installation page is the above referenced development version, which was stated to solve the issue I originally posted on.

    Once again, apologies for lack of technical nouse, but I seem to have got myself into a bit of a mess. The Firefox plugin, 2.0b7, works (ie. I can create new items and so on) and the scripts are all visible in Word (Mac, version 12.2.1), but there is clearly some link missing somewhere.

  • http://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_troubleshooting#component_loading_error
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