toggle to auto-export pdf highlights/annotations?

I'm interested in trying out the new zotero beta and figure out how to work with it in Obsidian in an automated way, but one of the things I'm worried about is that I'm unlikely to _remember_ to "save" my annotations and highlights to the pdf every time I'm done with it and while I know zotero isn't going to "lock me in" I'm worried about my bad memory.

Are there any plans to add a toggle (or does anybody know of an addon in the works) to basically automatically "export" my highlights and annotations to the PDF if I use the PDF viewer? Bonus points if it can automatically export all the annotations!

On a similar note, is there a guide somewhere on how to format my annotations? I used to use MDNotes for this, but I can't figure out how to do it in Zotero6, which automatically updated me last night. I'm willing to adapt to the workflows of the new beta, since I'm excited about using zotero on my iPad but the format of

"highlight" (author, date, page)

is a lot worse for me on a lot of levels than

## page

> highlight

- [n] annotation

because I'm an obsidian user and not directly quoting these in a paper, and I can't figure out how to change it the way I did the MDNotes defaults. I'd find it incredibly helpful if my highlights and annotations could be "automatically" exported like that, because I am the worst at remembering to click the buttons and then I forget what I recently read.
  • edited March 19, 2022
    Hi Eleanor,

    > is there a guide somewhere on how to format my annotations

    I havenā€˜t tried this myself but the note template docs may help:
  • Thank you, that IS very helpful!
  • Hi Eleanor,
    Your questions are very similar to the ones I have. I also had my workflow set up nicely with MDNotes. Have you been able to get this to work using those template docs?
  • I've been busy but it's next on my list of things to tackle with the new Zotero Desktop Connector plugin for Obsidian. If you haven't already, check out the #academia channel in Obsidian's discord; the pins have several workarounds to get the old workflow back (and some fun new tricks).
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