[6] line spacing between entries
Very excited to try out zotero 6. Congratulations on this wonderful update. I like it so far, but is there a way to increase the line spacing between entries? the lines overlap a bit.
adomasvenCan you upload a screenshot somewhere and post a link here that shows the issue?
derxenHere is a link to a screen shot: https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/VMrJnw889ULMh5U
adomasvenWhich OS is this? Can you take a full screenshot of the whole program? Do you use an OS setting to increase font sizes in programs?
derxenThis is on linux (ubuntu 20.04). I do use a scaling factor, and setting it back to 1 solves the issue. Thanks for your help.
derxenAlthough I still wouldn't mind somewhat more space between the lines in the entry pane. They don't overlap anymore, but they're very close to each other.
derxenedited March 18, 2022I spoke too soon: it's still not right. See https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/BBCtE117kba8oYF