feature request/suggestion: share tags with bookmarks

As it is common practice, I want to praise Zotero for its usefulness and the functionality it provides, before asking for more :-) . I hope my suggestion is useful.

When working with zotero, while do searching for literature for certain topics(LCA, LCC), I realized that on one hand I create many bookmarks to certain webpages, and try to properly tag them, and I also save a lot of articles/website snapshots to my database, and also try to tag them as well. Now I realized, that most of the time I use similar tags for each purpose, but since they are not synchronized, I have to create them for both. Sometimes I search my bookmark collection with a tag from my zotero collection, and vice versa, with no results on some occasions.
Maybe it would be nice to offer the option to synchronize both tag collections, or to use only one for both (the firefox internal one).
An alternative would be, from my point of view to optionally let Zotero handle the bookmarks for Firefox, to have an extra collection in the database where all the bookmarks, with proper subcollections, tagging and stuff, are stored as zotero items, and therefor also the tagging would be easier.

Maybe someone else can comment on that.

  • I also would like to have my firefox bookmarks incorporated into zotero, probably as a separate collection. When I am browsing academic sources I am often torn between bookmarking them as regular bookmarks or adding them to zotero. I don't normally consider it the realm of a bibliographic tool to maintain my bookmarks but I would at least like cross searching support (and anyway bibliography can extend to webpages).

    Thanks for the great tool,
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