How to create a custom output style?
I would like to create an output style for internal institutional use that contains the Library Call No. field and the ISBN field (in addition to the customary bibliographical data). Is there such a style, and if not, where do I find (easy) guidance on how to create such a style?
Thank you,
Thank you,
The variable for call number is call-number. For library catalog is source. For ISBN is ISBN
Copy it into the CodeEditor:
Switch over to the VisualEditor by clicking on it in the top navigation bar.
Chicago is not the easiest style to start with, so I'd recommend you to go over to YouTube and watch some of the CSL editing videos there.
We (that is, I, who knows little about coding, and my son, who is a professional software engineer), edited a copy of the Chicago style to accomplish what I want. In "Preview" mode, our new output fields show up, but when I copy the data from within Zotero (from the menu commands, or using CTRL-SHIFT C), the new data fields (call no. and ISBN) are not displayed. Very mysterious. I have tried restarting Zotero and even rebooting the computer, thinking that perhaps Zotero loads the template files only when it starts up, but to no avail. Any ideas?
There's no for option for attaching files here, but here is a Dropbox link to the CSL file we created: (1).csl?dl=0
Thanks VERY much for your help.