incorrect reference for web page with unknown publication date and author Chicago 17

Ok so per the title, Zotero cannot make the bibliographical entry correctly for a web page with unknown publication date and author. Per Purdue OWL,, about half way down the page, a citation would just be:

"Title." Website title. Access date. URL.

Zotero wants to make the bibliographic entry with the website title then page title, looking like:

Website title. "Title." Access date. URL.

EVEN weirder though, is in my bibliography where I do have 2 citations that have no author or publication date, they put them in order per the "Title" section, as if it was first.
Here is an example of what I mean, from my thesis:

Association of Art Museum Directors. “Report of the AAMD Task Force on the Spoilation of Art during the Nazi/World War II Era (1933-1945).” New York: Association of Art Museum Directors, June 4, 1998. on the Spoliation of Nazi Era Art.pdf.

National Gallery of Art Collections. “Biography of A.S. Drey.” Accessed November 15, 2021.

Cranach Digital Archive. “Biography of Lucas Cranach the Elder.” Accessed November 6, 2021.

National Gallery of Art Collections. “Biography of the Paul Drey Gallery.” Accessed November 16, 2021.

Brooks, Philip. “Notes on Rare Books.” New York Times. November 27, 1938. ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times.

How can I fix this?
  • Update: not sure why it does this still, but I ended up just going through and fixing all 300 footnotes by hand, as well as the biblio citations.
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