I am running Zotero 5.0.97-beta.50+5f61ac23a on MacOS Big Sur 11.6 with Safari 15.0. The Zotero Connector extension (version 5.0.85) appears in Safari, and the right-click preferences pane indicates that "Zotero is currently available." When I go to, for example, an Amazon book page (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1451659113/ref=ox_sc_act_title_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1), and click the Zotero connector button, the status dialog comes up and says Saving to My Library... it identifies the book, but it never gets to the third step where it identifies it as an "Amazon.com Link", never finishes, the dialog never clears, and the item is not added to Zotero.
When I run the Zotero connector from Chrome (94.0.4606.81) for the same content, it completes the process, and the item is added to Zotero.
I can see from looking at the two debug traces that they both went looking in WorldCat. The Chrome connector successfully got a result and processed it, while the Safari connector failed at that point, and then sort of got stuck in a loop. My guess is that the HTTP GET simply fails in Safari. That is also evidenced by the fact that the Safari connector Debug Output Logging feature gives an HTTP error when trying to Submit Output directly, which is why I had to upload it to google docs.
When I run the Zotero connector from Chrome (94.0.4606.81) for the same content, it completes the process, and the item is added to Zotero.
I also tried the connector from a Goodreads book page (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56377201-ai-2041) -- same thing, it works in Chrome, but not in Safari.
I tried the Zotero connector in Safari for a NY Times article (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/19/opinion/climate-change-california-sierra-nevada.html) and it worked.
Seems like the beta Safari connector doesn't like books :/
If so, can you provide a Debug ID for it from the Connector?
Is there a newer version? If so, how can I tell when there is a newer beta version? (there is no version indicated on the beta download page)
debug output D351246342
screen shot
compare this to the successful connector post of the same Amazon page from Chrome on this same computer:
debug ID D951405449