zotero.sqlite data damaged

when I opened Zotero this morning I got an alert that the zotero date base zotero.sqlite seems to be damaged and that the system could'nt use the data from the last backup. Further it said that a new data base has been created and the damage date is saved as zotero.sqlite.damaged.
the storage folder still contains over 86.000 files and has a size of nearly 14 GB. I used it last friday the last time. Since then nothing happened with my computer but the our literature drive where the zotero directory is saved crashed and our external IT support was not able to restore it but went back to the last backup which was 44 days ago (usually the backup runs once a week but the it didnt work in that particular drive for almost a month)
So now, I don't know how to access zotero with the last status. When I open it, it is blank. Can you help?
  • You can try running the damaged SQLite file through the DB Repair Tool.
  • oh thanks! that would have been great! but according to the repair tool the file is too big. any other options?
    is the only chance I to get zotero running again to fix this file?
  • You can try to follow the manual repair instructions (or ask your IT department to help), or you can try the earlier automatic backup.

    That's your Zotero database, so you'll need to fix it, yes.
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