Missing/Extra Translators and Scannable Cite - db Cache not updated

This thread https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/377408?# amongst others refers to translator installation issues, especially Scannable Cite.

I was investigating this and decided to remove some existing translators, just in case there was a "limit" of some kind...

What I would was that translators removed from the zotero translators folder continued to be listed in Zotero.

Inspection of the zotero.sqlite database and contents of the translatorCache table show that a) the removed translators are still present b) Scannable Cite isn't listed.

It's as though the cache is never updated.

How can one force translators to be reloaded and to (safely!) clear the translatorCache

NB Firefox was not running during the remove, start zotero, etc. investigation.

System Info: Win 10 Home, 64-bit, 21H1; Zotero; Firefox 93
  • I'd forget about the translatorCache -- I believe that's the list of translators Zotero automatically checks for updates (and manually deleted translators will simply re-download automatically).

    Restart is all you need to do for ScannableCite installation. If that's not working check that:
    1) You're downloading the actual .js file, not the full page and that
    2) Particularly on Windows, that file doesn't have a .js.txt file extension, which Windows (or Firefox) appears to create automatically on download. If that's the case, simply remove the .txt part.
  • I was about to delete this question since I just discovered that I had duplicated my Zotero installation - and if I put Scannable Cite in the right place (manual side load) it is suddenly available.

    PEBKAC; sorry about that!
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