PDF reader, new note editor - Automatically generate zotero:// url to currently selected annotation

Dear Zotero developers,

First of all, you've done a super amazing job with the new PDF reader and annotation system. Congratulations and thanks for all the hard work that went into this!

I've been using Paperpile for a while now, but think that the new Zotero beta version is much better - with all the benefits of open source software. For a while now I've been looking for ways to link to annotations from my external notetaking software Obsidian.

I saw that you've recently allowed direct access to annotations via zotero:// urls (Github issue #2125). To test this I went to the Zotero folder, and pasted the url together manually. I got the item ID from the 'storage' folder and the ID of an image annotation in the same PDF from the 'cache' folder. The format
works perfectly fine. It opens Zotero, the PDF and jumps right to the annotation.

Now I'm looking for a way to automatically generate such a link for the currently selected annotation, and copy it to the clipboard to use in my notetaking application. I was thinking that I could write a translator, similar to the 'Zotero Select Item' translator written by Scott Campbell and Avram Lyon. This would allow to use Zotero's quick copy feature to get the annotation's url with a simple keyboard shortcut. Here's the key part of the original code (credits to the original creators):

function doExport() {
var item;
while(item = Zotero.nextItem()) {
var library_id = item.libraryID ? item.libraryID : 0;

Is there any way to iterate through the currently selected annotations in a similar manner? Or could one get the currently selected annotations for item? Or maybe there's a much easier way to solve the problem that I have overlooked?

Thank you very much for your time. I'd greatly appreciate your help.

All the best,
  • Sorry, an example url is:
    where 9KNFMBA6 is the item ID and 7BNFVF4R is the annotation ID
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