Show bibtex citation key in the info field

It will be super useful to have bibtex key on the info field.

Is there any way to show the bibtex key?
  • It is when you install the better bibtex plugin.
  • Ah I see
    This is exactly what I wanted! Thank you!
  • edited December 24, 2023
    I can not see the bibtext key after installing better bibtex plugin in Zotero. Using Mac Sonoma, latest version of Zotero and RMarkdown. In other words, I am hoping to use the '@bibtex key' for citations while writing in RMarkdown but I no longer see the bibtex key in the info column for any given item in a Zotero library file.

    Where -- exactly please -- on the Zotero info column is the bibtex key that used to be present in the old version of bibtex?
  • 7.0.0-beta.53+969031a37 (and FWIW, RStudio 12.0 for Mac OS)

    And thank you for your kindness in thinking about my question.
  • edited December 25, 2023
    I occasionally come here, but I do my support on my github project page. The citation key is only visible in the middle list (if you enable it), display of the citation key in the item details screen is pending a change by the Zotero developers.
  • Again my thanks for your kindness.

    You write: "The citation key is only visible in the middle list (if you enable it)". How do I enable it? Or does the current Zotero version make it impossible to do so?

    I'm not a sophisticated user, so please be as explicit as possible. There was no problem with finding the citation key in earlier versions of Zotero and bibtex. Why the change? It is terribly inconvenient to have to find the citation key in the body of a .bib file as opposed to right on the Zotero app.
  • Enable -- right-click on the column headers in the middle and add citaiton key as a column.

    The change is because of changes in Zotero that changed how add-ons interact with Zotero, as noted by Emiliano above, making it visible on the right is pending (i.e. intended to happen again).

    Note that RStudio has native Zotero integration that allows you to search for items and insert citations right from RStudio without having to go back to Zotero at all.
  • It's out of my control when I can add this back. Zotero is working on the change that allows me to add it back, but it's not finished, and I know no ETA for it to be finished. If you downgrade to Zotero 6 (Zotero 7 is beta after all), the citation key is present.
  • To adamsmith and emilianoeheyns:

    Thank you, thank you! What a relief!

    One last question: Where might I read (or see online instruction) specificaly regarding the Zotero integration with RStudio integration to which you refer?
  • Here's the official documentation I think.
    Lots of tutorials if you google
  • edited December 26, 2023
    Tried the instruction in the above weblink in RMarkdown using the citation syntax, e.g. '[@palm...]' where 'palm' would be the first 4 letters in a Zotero citekey for an author named 'palmer'. It would be nice if the completion interface came up, but it doesn't. I looked at Edit->Settings->Citations->Advanced and tried playing with all of the switches, but no combination of those switches brings up the attractive-looking completion interface.

    FWIW, I restarted RMarkdown after trying multiple Citation options in RMarkdown
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