Style Request: Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

edited May 28, 2021
Style documentation:
In-text citation: in footnote
Campbell & Pedersen, 2007
Mares, 2001

Campbell, John L., & Pedersen, Ove K. (2007). „The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. (italics) Comparative Political Studies“, 40(3), bls. 307–332.
Mares, Isabella. (2001). „Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?“ (italics) Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. Ritstj. P. A. Hall & D. Soskice, bls. 184–213. Oxford University Press, New York.

Link to accsessable paper from journal:

ISSN 0256-8426

The only other citation style available in Icelandic is from Ritið.
  • Do you have the ISSN of the journal?
  • Took some digging but I found it ISSN 0256-8426
  • Is there any chance that this style could be made in the next week or so?
  • I'll have a look, yes.
  • @albina
    I had a go at making the style.
    You had a few errors in your examples, but I was able to work it out. Not so easy with a completely different language and letters.

    You can give it a test run.
    Please provide any errors to be amended within the next day or two while the PR is still open.
  • @damnation
    Thank you so much, your help is much appreciated. I was going to try it out but can't find the style to test it. I am probably doing something wrong but can't figure out what. I just went here and searched for Árbók and various other versions of the name with no luck.
  • No, it wouldn't be there as it's not accepted as a style.
    Above link I gave, click on that with Zotero open.
    If that doesn't do anything, right click on it, save as..., install in Zotero.
  • Thank you I checked it. The only error I found is with web resources. If there is an author, data and title for web sources they should show up in the citation and bibliography. Thank you again for this, it has saved me so much work.
  • @damnation

    Now web sources look like this both in citation and bibliography despite them having a title, date and author in Zotero. Hlaðið niður þann 28. maí 2021. Hlaðið niður þann 28. maí 2021.
  • You will have to understand that the guidelines are not very elaborate, nor is it easy for me to read Icelandic script.
    Please, could you put here how you want to see:

    1. footnotes:
    webpage WITH author
    webpage WITHOUT author

    2. Bibliography:
    webpage WITH author
    webpage WITHOUT author
  • I completely understand and you have done an excellent job. I contacted the editor and this is based on her information. Basically format follows APA with some minor adjustments for Icelandic. If no author is given then the name of the website should be used instead of author name.

    These are the web sources in the bibliography as listed in the author guidelines but these particular websites don't have authors:

    Þingskjal 978. 2006-2007. Svar menntamálaráðherra við fyrirspurn Kolbrúnar Halldórsdóttur um fornleifaskráningu. Sótt 30. september 2012 af

    Leyfi til fornleifarannsókna 2007. Sótt 4. ágúst 2012 af

    1. Footnotes
    Þingskjal 978., 2006-2007.
    Leyfi til fornleifarannsókna, 2007.
    Torfi H. Tulinius og Marion Poilvez, 2017.
    Hagstofa Íslands, e.d.
    Háskóli Íslands, e.d.
    Skólavefurinn, 2000.

    2. Bibliography
    Torfi H. Tulinius og Marion Poilvez. 2017, 6. nóvember. Hvað var fólk lengi í útlegð á miðöldum? Vísindavefurinn. Sótt af

    Skólavefurinn. 2000. Samfélagsfræði. Sótt af

    Other minor issues:
    In citations
    For book references that have no author the name of the book or book section should be in italics
    For citations there should not be a comma between author name and the year, should look like this:
    Mares 2001, bls. 50.
    When a citation has many publications by the same author there should be a semi-colon between the years e.g.
    Mares 1991; 1996; 2001.

    In the bibliography:
    Publisher should be in front of place and comma between e.g.

    Mares, I. (2001). Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In P. A. Hall & D. Soskice (Eds.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage (pp. 184–213). Oxford University Press, New York.

    For multiple authors it should use & and no comma before the &:

    Campbell, J. L. & Pedersen, O. K. 2007. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies, 40(3), 307–332.

  • @damnation will you be able to take a look at these issues in the next week or so? I completely understand if that is not possible.
  • edited June 21, 2021
    I've asked you to post the errors in a specific format. I can't be bothered otherwise to fight my way through icelandic. I'm just a volunteer. So, in your own interest you'll have to make this as easy as possible for me.

    Regarding that last issue.
    This is the example from their guidelines and is correctly implemented.
    "Jarðabók Árna Magnússonar og Páls Vídalíns, 3. bindi. 1923-1924. Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla. Hið íslenska fræðafjelag, Kaupmannahöfn."
    CSL style:
    "Campbell, John L. og Ove K. Pedersen. 2007. „The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success“. Comparative Political Studies 40(3), bls. 307–332."
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