Beta PDF Reader feature requests (tab names, side-by-side, default zoom) & 1 bug (tab tooltip ghost)

Psyched by the new PDF reader, thank you! A few things I'd like to add (couldn't find if they've been requested elsewhere) and one bug:

1) Filenames in Tab Labels (instead of citation name)

Rational: I often have multiple files attached to a citation I want to view, or multiple versions of a file, and the tabs just show the same citation name... this makes it difficult to quickly find the file I want when multiple tabs are open.

Fix: Looks like reader.js:84 updateTitle() has the item title, but ditches it for the parentItem title. This behavior could be governed by a flag/option in user settings.

2) Side-by-side viewing

Rational: Again I often work with multiple versions of a file. I'd like to be able to arrange two tabs side-by-side so I can compare the files.

3) Default zoom level

While it seems the reader remembers the last zoom level for each document (cool) I find I have to immediate shrink down each pdf on initial load (which defaults to full width). Not seeing where I can easily change it.


1) When closing a tab, the tooltip showing the title of the reader item lingers (on Ubuntu 20.04) and stays overlayed over all windows on all desktops.

I'm guessing when the X is currently clicked, it isn't registering the Zotero_Tooltip.stop from the parent before handling the handleTabClose.

Fix: Possible quick hack would be to move the onMouseOver and onMouseOut calls to just the .tab-name div instead of the parent .tab div (which includes both the name and the close button). Having the title display while hovering over tab, but no the Xmark close button is consistent with browsers (Firefox does give a separate "Close Tab" hint over the X, but that doesn't seem necessary).

Code location (I think): tabBar.jsx:104 renderTab function.

Might also be fixed by tossing a window.Zotero_Tooltip.stop in the handleTabClose() function?


Once I'm done working on the project I'm currently using Zotero for, I'll try to play around with these and submit pull requests if that would be helpful :)
  • The tooltip bug is fixed in the latest beta.
  • I would like to +1 (and modify) the first two requests:

    0) It would be nice if Citation Key were also shown in the item info tab.

    1) I am using ZotFile to rename PDFs based on their Citation Keys (generated by Better BibTex), and since I (mentally) refer to an item by its Citation Key, it is hard for me to find the paper I am looking by searching through the tabs.

    2) Having PDFs open side-by-side is very handy. It would be great if one can split the PDF viewer vertically or horizontally, and can have different tabs in each section of the screen.
  • +1 to having filename in the tab.
  • edited February 8, 2022
    +1 for the default zoom, it is actually very inconvenient if you want to go through a number of documents quickly and have to adjust the zoom manually every time

    New request: give the user the option to select another pdf reader that opens per default, e.g., I would prefer adobe for as long as the manual zoom issue is not fixed
  • @looki: You can choose the default PDF reader from the General pane of the preferences, as you've been able to do for years.
  • +1 for citekey as tab title
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