Is it possible to reset footnote count within a document?
Hi. I am required to join 2 documents into 1 for my studies, which is not a problem for LibreOffice - I can reset page numbers and start anew after my first paper within the same document. However, when inserting footnotes with Zotero, I am not sure if it can be done - e.g. I have footnotes 1-12 for the first part of the document, and then I want to start at footnote 1 for the second part of the document where my page numbering has been reset to 1 again, but as it is now, it continues from footnote 13.
I hope the question made sense - is this possible to do in Zotero..? I guess it needs to be done also for the bibliography, to separate them.
I hope the question made sense - is this possible to do in Zotero..? I guess it needs to be done also for the bibliography, to separate them.
The only thing that won't work, because it _is_ handled by Zotero, are crossreferences to other footnotes (as in "supra note 3"). But few citation styles use those.
The overall answer from the Zotero end is the same: footnote numbering is handled by the word processor, not Zotero, so it can generally be changed there and will just work with Zotero with the above caveat.
The only thing remaining, although not sure if it belongs under another topic, is when I now insert bibliography in each section, it retains books across the sections (Zotero is not likely to be aware of them), and so I have to manually edit the inserted sources in each section. Microscopic issue in my case, because now you have saved me hours of work in manual editing!