How to implement different delimiter after first author and between other authors?

I am creating my own style with Zotero visual editor using 'Chicago fullnote with Ibid' as a base.

My authors list would need to appear as follows:

Scully, John; Bob Marley, Mike Smith & Liza Crown:

How do I do this? I know how to use comma as a separator between ALL names but in my case the separator right after the FIRST name should be semicolon, ie. different from the separator between a long list of other authors. Changing the delimiter preceding the very last name however is easy.

Can anyone help?
  • Sorry, can't be done in CSL. What's the use case?
  • edited May 5, 2021
    Well, this is how the style guide is defined by National Defence University, Department of Warfare in Finland.

    Too bad...
  • Is that style guide online? If so, could you link?
  • Yes it is.

    The link:

    Unfortunately the pdf is in Finnish only, but maybe you can run that through a Google translator. Anyhow, the citation & bibliography guidelines are on pages 8-19 and there are a number of examples on pages 20-24.

    The inline cites are done as footnotes.
  • OK, so the logic seems to be that the semicolon follows an inverted name (Scully, John;) whereas regular names (Bob Marley, Mike Smith) are delimited with a comma.
    The citation processor has a concept of inverted names, but we don't allow for different delimiters. @bwiernik any thoughts on that?
  • edited May 5, 2021
    I think it would be reasonable to have a delimiter-after-sort-order property. We might already have something to that effect—I have a hard time remembering all of the delimiters.
  • Hello @adamsmith, you got it absolutely right. And as you suggested, having a specific delimiter for an after-sort-order property/inverted name would do the trick.

    This would be really good as the NDU library is now promoting Zotero for students but I believe I am the first one who's trying to create a first pass of style library and hence run into this issue. Our dept of Mil tech has a much more relaxed and simple style guide but there are a lot of students under dept of Warfare who would need this (and personally I would hate to go back to Endnote since I just transferred by library over...)
  • Btw, how do I make a construct which would use a fullnote cite for the first appearance and thereafter for subsequent first appearances on other pages a short note 'Name (year)' + Ibid. for all immediately following cites after first cite on any page?

    Also, is there a way to use different language versions for 'ed/editor' label text on a cite depending on cited book or item language? For example, in Finnish we use (toim.) meaning (eds.) when we refer to several people as editors. However, in our style guide we should use (eds.) should the book be in English instead of Finnish.
  • To do multilingual bibliographies like that, you would need to use Jurism, a version of Zotero with expanded legal and multilingual support
  • Thanks for the tip. How about the construct I mentioned above. Any examples you could point me to?
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