Random Square brackets in bibliography
I used Zotero for my dissertation and it has been extremely helpful so far. I (stuporously) edited a style for my needs (German law) which worked pretty well in the citations, but not in my bibliography.
I used shortened titles in the citations for encyclopedias and book chapters and added a reference for this shortened citation style in the bibliography in round brackets. It looks like this:
Kirchhoff, Wolfgang, Außerwettbewerbliche Aspekte bei Entscheidungen nach Art. 101 AEUV, insbesondere im Licht der Querschnittsklauseln des AEUV, in: Politischer Einfluss auf Wettbewerbsentscheidungen, Baden-Baden 2015 (zit.: Kirchhoff in: Politischer Einfluss auf Wettbewerbsentscheidungen), 11–14
That's how it looks in the editor preview. In the final document, it changes some (not all) round brackets to square brackets:
[...] Baden-Baden 2015 [zit.: Kirchhoff in: Politischer Einfluss auf Wettbewerbsentscheidungen), 11–14
The code for the reference looks like this:
It wouldn't be too bad to change it manually in the final document, but I'd prefer Zotero to handle it. Any idea what went wrong?
(edited a typo)
I used Zotero for my dissertation and it has been extremely helpful so far. I (stuporously) edited a style for my needs (German law) which worked pretty well in the citations, but not in my bibliography.
I used shortened titles in the citations for encyclopedias and book chapters and added a reference for this shortened citation style in the bibliography in round brackets. It looks like this:
Kirchhoff, Wolfgang, Außerwettbewerbliche Aspekte bei Entscheidungen nach Art. 101 AEUV, insbesondere im Licht der Querschnittsklauseln des AEUV, in: Politischer Einfluss auf Wettbewerbsentscheidungen, Baden-Baden 2015 (zit.: Kirchhoff in: Politischer Einfluss auf Wettbewerbsentscheidungen), 11–14
That's how it looks in the editor preview. In the final document, it changes some (not all) round brackets to square brackets:
[...] Baden-Baden 2015 [zit.: Kirchhoff in: Politischer Einfluss auf Wettbewerbsentscheidungen), 11–14
The code for the reference looks like this:
<group delimiter="">
<text variable="publisher-place" suffix=" "/>
<date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued" suffix=" (zit.: ">
<date-part name="year" form="long" suffix=" "/>
<names variable="" suffix="/">
<name delimiter="; " form="short" initialize-with=""/>
<text macro="author-note"/> suffix=" " font-style="italic"/>
<text value="in:" suffix=" "/>
<text variable="title" form="short"/>
<text value=")" suffix=""/>
<text variable="page"/>
It wouldn't be too bad to change it manually in the final document, but I'd prefer Zotero to handle it. Any idea what went wrong?
(edited a typo)
group delimiter=" " prefix="(" suffix=")">
text value="zit.:"/>
text macro="author-note"/> font-style="italic"/>
text value="in:" />
text variable="title" form="short"/>
Strangely, the code didn't show in my post, I had to remove the "<" in all lines.
Sadly, I still have square brackets, at least they are on both the opening and closing ends now, so it did something:
Kirchhoff, Wolfgang, Außerwettbewerbliche Aspekte bei Entscheidungen nach Art. 101 AEUV, insbesondere im Licht der Querschnittsklauseln des AEUV, in: Monopolkommission (Hrsg.), Politischer Einfluss auf Wettbewerbsentscheidungen, 1. Auflage, Baden-Baden 2015, S. 11–14 [zit.: Kirchhoff in: Politischer Einfluss auf Wettbewerbsentscheidungen]
Any other idea what could solve this issue? I changed some other stuff outside of the group as well, I don't know if that could influence the parantheses group.
Zotero works in strange ways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued" suffix=" (zit.: ">
Is missing the
<names variable="" suffix="/">
<name delimiter="; " form="short" initialize-with=""/>
Has no variable -
Can you please post your full style with groups to pastebin.com or similar and link here?
Also be sure that your style validates at https://validator.citationstyles.org/
To post code bits on these forums, wrap them in <code> </code> tags.
I know it's a complete and utter mess, but I'm basically done with my thesis, I'll unlink Citations in a few days and won't add any more literature/citations at that point. It doesn't validate (errors in lines 185, 185-186, 212, 212-213, 236-237), but miraculously, citations and bibliography look fine in the final document. I'm afraid it'll fall apart if I change anything right now.
Anyway, here's a link to pastebin: