zotero and google drive

Hi, I am completely new to Zotero. I just moved from Mendeley. I imported my files (~200 papers) from Mendeley (with annotation). I'm using the latest zotero beta now because it has a built-in pdf reader which is great but I found out that Zotero only gives 300MB of space of pdf (I used all of them).

I followed this guideline to connect using google drive which can give me more space for my pdfs.

If I copy/cut & paste from another folder (my ~200 pdf papers) into the new Zotero folder in my google drive, is the annotation still there?

or is there any better way to do it?

  • edited April 18, 2021
    Not really clear what you mean here. No way of adding files to Zotero involves manually copying them into a folder on your computer.


    And if you're using ZotFile, it moves the files for you. (But it will delete any existing annotations, since it hasn't been updated since the beta came out.)
  • it's okay. I also confused with my words. lol I will do it manually.

    Yes, I use zotfile with google drive. If I upload all my pdf files into google drive and add/link to zotero, my 300MB will not be touch, right?

  • edited April 18, 2021
    That's correct, yes. Anything you connect to Zotero via "link" won't affect your Zotero storage
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