FreeBSD 13, i386-wine, & Zotero 5: LibGPL error, presumably lgpllibs.dll

Hello, everyone.

I am trying to get the latest Zotero 5 for Windows working in the FreeBSD 13 Beta via the stable `i386-wine` package (also tested on `i386-wine-devel`).

Here is the log that I receive when I run `wine /usr/home/corey/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Zotero/zotero.exe`:

I *think* that I have narrowed the problem spot to lgpllibs.dll. The reason for this is that if I override or delete this .dll, Zotero actually starts to open, but I receive a blank window with `Couldn't load XPCOM`. There *seems* (to me) to be an issue with communication for this .dll with my amdgpu driver (which otherwise works without issue, including with other Windows binaries loaded in Wine, e.g. [just for testing] the old Adobe Digital Editions 1.4 quickly installed via winetricks).

What should I do here? For anyone who has Zotero 5 working in Wine, what have you done?

Many thanks for any ideas.
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