no pdfs are saved, only webpages [solved]

edited January 8, 2020

this problem has been discussed on the forum before, but I haven't been able to find a solution. The translator troubleshooting suggestions are to no avail, either.

Say I was trying to add the following paper to my zotero:

When I hover the zotero connector button, it says "Save to Zotero (ScienceDirect)". It creates an entry in zotero, but it does not save a pdf with it. Until I just tried it to create a Debug ID, it saved a webpage instead. Now it doesn't save anything anymore. When I click "Update Scihub PDF", I am only taken to a Scihub page, enter the captcha, see the pdf but then nothing else happens. When I try to update again, which usually led to a saved pdf, the same thing happens over again...
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