Pandoc-Suite for Academic Writing in Markdown (Alfred Workflow)
So basically, Zotero has proper integrations with Word and Libreoffice via Plugins. Using the BetterBibTex-Extension, Zotero also works with Plain Text and Latex, although it is not very userfriendly for those less tech-savvy people. The best guide to use Zotero with Markdown that I could find (, still entails installing a somewhat unstable applescript-based Citation Picker (Zotpicker) and a great but not very customizable menubar tool (Docdown). So while the tech-savvy LaTeX users and the people content with Word are both served, that leaves people in between like me a bit hanging.
Thus I sat down the last couple of days and wrote an Alfred Workflow, which enables Academic Citations and Bibliography in Markdown. It does so by providing a quick and stable citation picker, and a user-friendly interface for Pandoc for automatically creating a Bibliography like the Word/Libreoffice-Plugins do. After the initial setup, it's basically pressing one keyboard shortcut to create a properly formatted Docx, PDF or HTML file from your markdown writer of your choice. As all Pandoc configuration is done via the Workflow, you will never have to open the Terminal.
→ Demo Image:
→ Usage & Installation Guide:
→ Download at Github:
I initially wrote this workflow just for myself, but I think it could also be helpful to others. Enjoy!
PS: Didn't know where else to "publish" this, so feel free to point me to a more appropriate place!
Thus I sat down the last couple of days and wrote an Alfred Workflow, which enables Academic Citations and Bibliography in Markdown. It does so by providing a quick and stable citation picker, and a user-friendly interface for Pandoc for automatically creating a Bibliography like the Word/Libreoffice-Plugins do. After the initial setup, it's basically pressing one keyboard shortcut to create a properly formatted Docx, PDF or HTML file from your markdown writer of your choice. As all Pandoc configuration is done via the Workflow, you will never have to open the Terminal.
→ Demo Image:
→ Usage & Installation Guide:
→ Download at Github:
I initially wrote this workflow just for myself, but I think it could also be helpful to others. Enjoy!
PS: Didn't know where else to "publish" this, so feel free to point me to a more appropriate place!
That sounds like an issue with Pandoc citeproc. Write me an eMail with some screenshots and I'll have a look.
(My eMail address is at the bottom of – I want to refrain posting it here to prevent spam through crawlers)
Also, concerning iA Writer, most likely it's a missing permission for Alfred to control iA Writer. Strangely, some people seem to not get a prompt by Mac OS asking for that permission. You can grant the permission manually at the System settings:
After the initial setup, you can just select a Markdown file in Finder and press a hotkey and the Pandoc Suite will convert it into the desired format.
Download and User Guide:
Thanks for the tip, I hadn't noticed that the Notion page had an issue. It should be fixed now.
(You may need to clear your browser cache & delete cookies for to make it work though.)
Thanks for pointing it out. I fixed the issue in version 4.9: