problems during install (java)

I just tried to install Zotero but during the process I get the information I have to go to So I did, I used the link. But the site does not runs any longer (Sorry! We couldn't find the document requested.) Without some kind of confirmation the install process is not properly finished. Or do I understand something wrong?
  • What's the URL you were taken to?

    You need Java if you have LibreOffice installed and want to use Zotero's LibreOffice plugin.
  • Hello, I had the same problem. I have Macox. It was a very tricky problem. My friend el Mau helps me and this is the route we found to solve the problem

    1. Check Libreoffice Java. Libreoffice-Preferences-Advanced.
    I didnĀ“t find any java there so..
    2. In terminal I check java version :
    java -version
    The system recognized java 11 and others.
    3. Then I uninstall java.
    Brew uninstall java
    4. Then I install java in the correct way
    brew install --cask adoptopenjdk
    5. I restart libreoffice and java was there!

    God Luck!
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