Import of RIS file


I tried an import from EndNote RIS formatted text file.
Works ok for journal article, but with these errors.
Abstract imports to the Notes. Tag = AB in the text file.
Issue imports to Extra field. Tag = M1.

Where can I find the specific documentation for the RIS import for Zotero 2.0 0b6?
  • Abstract imports to the Notes. Tag = AB in the text file.
    According to the RIS spec, AB is note, not abstract. Yes, really.
    Issue imports to Extra field. Tag = M1.
    M1 is "Miscellaneous 1". Issue would be IS or CP.
    Where can I find the specific documentation for the RIS import for Zotero 2.0 0b6?
    You can look at the RIS translator, but, basically, Zotero implements the spec as written.
  • Thanks a lot for the fast reply Dan.
    Guess EndNote (X3) is not following the RIS specifications, but its easy to change EndNote (make a new Output Style that follows the RIS specificarions) so I will do this.

    Are you interested in a "Zotero (RIS)" output style for EndNote? (Guess many EndNote users will be interested in this file).
  • I think you'd find a lot of takers on this--such a style could be linked in the obvious places on Zotero support pages (or even the front page). It would also, presumably, work for multiple, if not all, versions of EndNote.

    I also think it would be a nifty way to smooth EndNote to Zotero transition for new users, address some crucial barriers to entry, and cut down on the number of "endnote import: WTF?" threads on this board, and the true but unsatisfying answer of "not zotero's fault, endnote doesn't follow specs."
  • I would imagine that the Zotero developers would probably want to take rather a cautious line on this - Endnote output style code posted on a competitor's site potentially falls foul of Endnote usage agreements. Thompson Reuters has already (unsuccessfully) pursued a lawsuit against George Mason University over the use of Endnote style files by Zotero,so a degree of caution is probably justified.

    Just a little by way of explanation as to why I think you might not see this suggestion implemented soon, if at all.
  • right. But you could suggest a Zotero.RIS (or, for that matter, Correct.RIS)
  • As of Endnote X, there were fundamental limitations that made it impossible for end-users to implement RIS export "correctly." But I also thought it had exported abstract and issue correctly back then, too. Are these "unusual" item types? Or is the data stored in the underlying item in some funny place? Are you using 'RefMan (RIS) Export.ens' or something else?
  • I am using EndNote X3 and the "RefMan (RIS)" export style.
    I have now talked to Thomson Reuters (the chief support technichan) and they were not aware of this, and after a talk with the developers they will fix the "RefMan (RIS)" export style as soon as possible.

    As this is very easy and fast to do in EndNote, I would imagine a fast fix for this from Thoms Reuters.
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