Trying to add a punctuation mark after date in a bibliography

I have make a reference style that writes bibliography items as

[1] Maneiro I et al. 2002Harmful Algae

I'd really like to add a period and a space after the year so it looks like.

[1] Maneiro et al. 2002. Harmful Algae

I've tried putting in the macro for author, and in the bibliography itself and somehow, no matter what I do, I can't seem to get any punctuation to actually appear.

Example here

In which case I've tried to add punctuation to both places with no luck.

I'd also like to remove the initial after the last name, and I'm having some trouble figuring out how to do that as well, so guidance there would also be appreciated.

Thank you.
  • The best way to do punctuation like this is to put it as a delimiter on a group. Take a look at the bibliography for APA style for example.
  • Thanks. For whatever reason. I find adding the delimter to the group often seems to have zero effect. Here I modified the group variable for the year-date section

    So it was

    <<text macro="year-date" />>

    <<group delimiter = ".">>
    <<text macro="year-date" />>

    No apparent difference. I've saved the later as an example here. Its the same as the previous, but with the delimiter added to the year-date field in the bibliography. It gives the same result as not adding the delimter.

    What am I missing here?

    Note: I'm using <<>> to delimit code because the single greater than and less than signs make the code vanish from the final version.
  • You're putting the delimiter in a group with only one item, that's why you can't see a difference. There is nothing to "delimit".
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