Best Sources for Collecting Citations
What would experienced users recommend as the best sources for collecting citations for books, multi-authored books (assay collections, etc.), essays, etc?
By "best" I mean sources that give us the least citation formatting and content errors. For example, I take it Worldcat is probably one of the least accurate since there tend to be multiple entries to the same item and the info on items are often entered wrong. is another such source. As far as I can tell, the best sources would be the websites of our educational institutions, but even here I see some issues.
Also, if there are best sources depending on the particular type of work, please specify: Ebscohost databases for essays, university library website for books, etc.
Thank you very much,
By "best" I mean sources that give us the least citation formatting and content errors. For example, I take it Worldcat is probably one of the least accurate since there tend to be multiple entries to the same item and the info on items are often entered wrong. is another such source. As far as I can tell, the best sources would be the websites of our educational institutions, but even here I see some issues.
Also, if there are best sources depending on the particular type of work, please specify: Ebscohost databases for essays, university library website for books, etc.
Thank you very much,
E. g. in a report I found this:
Fodor, J. (1991). Methodological Solipsism Considered as a Research Strategy in Cognitive Psychology. In Boyd, R., Gasper, P. & Trout, J.D. (Hrsg.), (S. 651-669). The MIT Press.
Where would be a general website from where I would be able to get all the available information?
Newer book chapters will often have DOIs and you can import with those.
I found this one, where you can perform a worldwide search:
Maybe you can integrate this?
take a look at the URLs that the KVK generates.
They look like this, for example, if only the BVB catalog is to be searched.
Like this, if it is BVB and K10plus:
You can also pre-populate fields:
The field names in the URL (TI, AU ) are identical to the names of the fields
in the KVK search mask.
Should already work out what you want.
If you add &autosubmit=true to the URL, the KVK will start searching right away,
instead of just displaying the predefined search mask.
Good luck and please let me know if it worked and if so, how. yes, how. If there are other Zotero users asking, it would be easier for us to help them. then we could help them more easily.
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