Link doesn't show up in Attachments tab

I'm using version 1.0.0b4.r5

If I modify the translator to display the ASIN url in the extra field, it does display the url in the extra field correctly - it just doesn't seem to get appended to the attachments array:

if (xml..ASIN.length()){
var url = "" + suffix + "/dp/" + Zotero.Utilities.cleanString(xml..ASIN[0].text().toString());
newItem.extra = url;
newItem.attachments.push({title:" Link", snapshot:false, mimeType:"text/html", url:url});
  • Turns out the about:config setting "extensions.zotero.automaticScraperUpdates" was set to false. Changing it to true enabled attachments to work for translators that use them.

    Not sure why the default setting is false.
  • 1) You mean extensions.zotero.automaticSnapshots, not automaticScraperUpdates.

    2) The default is true (which should be non-bold in about:config). Maybe you turned it off in the Zotero prefs under "Automatically take snapshots when creating items from web pages"?
  • 1) yep

    2) i guess, but a typical user won't realize that changing this pref will disable attachment functionality used by some translators
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