Finding a "German" quotation style with abbreviated titles in the footnotes


I understand that I am supposed to find the style that's closest to my needs and either modify it myself or ask politely for someone here to do that for me. ;)
What I am unable to do, though, is figuring out how to find a style that#s even remotely close.

I am supposed to quote in footnotes. The first should be a full quote (so far, so good, "Chicago full notes" does that), but the second footnote for the same item should state "author, abbreviated title, page(s)". How can I search for this "kind of" feature over all the existing styles? What is it called?

It seems like "all I need" would be to tell "Chicago full notes" to add an abbreviated title to the second footnote (and all thereafter)? Would that be the way to go?

Thanks, Ulrich
  • (And either way, were would I define the abbreviated title within Zotero? Thanks, Ulrich)
  • Chicago full note does the second part automatically when using it in Word and you put the abbreviated title in the "Short Title" (I'm assuming Kurztitel in the German version) towards the bottom of the entry.
    (There's no way to search for this, though)
  • Hi @adamsmith, and thanks so much. That helped tremendeously! After I put in short titles, it still did not output short titles in all foot notes. This entry ( + the corresponding style ( Did the trick, though! Just so this can be found easier, as far as I see it, this should be the correct style for "Fernuni in Hagen, Philosophie" as well es "Fernuni in Hagen, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften (KSW)". Thanks for the support! Best wishes, Ulrich
  • OK, additional question: It seems that the short title is put in italics, if it's a book, and in "quote marks" if it's a journal entry. There's so specification regarding this from my university. Should I just leave it? (But why is it set up this way? So the reader can immediately distinguish between journal and book?) Thanks, Ulrich
  • Chicago generally puts individually published items in italics and items that are part of some sort of collection (e.g. articles, chapters) in quotation marks -- that's true not just in citations but also in writing in general and extends to short titles. Absent other instructions to the contrary, I'd recommend sticking to this useful shorthand, yes.
  • Will do. Thanks!
  • Hi all, I was all done and happy, and than I realized: I'm supposed to put "abgerufen am: XXX" with every internet-source, in the footnotes as well as in the bibliography. The style that came from this discussion ( seems to be able to do that, but then I go back to "ebd" instead of short titles... Is there any way to add the content of the "heruntergeladen am"-field into footnotes + bibliography, if it's an internet-source?
    Thanks, Ulrich
  • Hallo Ulrich
    Ich verwende für meine wissenschaftliche Arbeit (Theologie, ist aber für Geschichte entwickelt worden). Vielleicht hilft dir das weiter :)
    Lg Tatjana
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